Man Ray - Blog Response

    Man Ray was a photographer born in 1890. His work attributed to the advancements in the Dada and Surrealist movements. Due to the time period he lived in, almost his work is all black and white. While Ray did not have any other choice, I think photographs being in black and white are really cool and can change the way people interpret pieces. My favorite photograph of Man Ray's is Les Larmes (Glass Tears), pictured below. I really like his use of the little glass balls to show the tears from the woman's eyes. I also find it interesting how her eyes are looking away from the camera.

Les Larmes (Glass Tears), 1932

    Man Ray is really known for his work with photograms. While photograms are not my favorite form of photography, I do think the technique is very cool and interesting to watch. I think it's hard to think of unique and visually appealing photogram ideas, so I really admire Ray's work for accomplishing both of these tasks. Like the romantic I am, my favorite photogram by Man Ray is The Kiss, pictured below.

The Kiss, 1922

    Most of my favorite art includes real people, so that was the first thing to draw me to this photogram. And I love love, so that was an added bonus. However, a kiss does not always mean love.  We don't really know, it's up for our own interpretation. I'm choosing that these two people love each other, but are forced to be apart for some reason. The hand on the left could be the person on the right reaching for them, and the hand on the person on the right could be someone out of the photogram reaching to pull them away. The line going across the middle could represent the two being torn apart. 

    I also like that his first name is "Man." I think that is silly.


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